
About James Zheng

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So far James Zheng has created 15 blog entries.

In Qatar, UN forum to discuss link between crime prevention and sustainable development

9 April 2015 – Ahead of a major summit in New York in September on the future global development agenda, the 13th United Nations Crime Congress will convene in Doha next week to discuss the links between crime prevention, security, justice and sustainable development.

“The rule of law, better […]

2015-03-30T17:09:11-04:00星期一, 30 3月 2015|In Focus|

Event on “Enhancing Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems” on Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Permanent Missions of Afghanistan, South Africa and the United States to the United Nations, the Rule of Law Unit on behalf of the UN Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group (ROLCRG), and the International Legal Foundation (ILF) organised a panel discussion on “Enhancing Access […]

2019-02-19T16:43:06-05:00星期日, 8 3月 2015|In Focus|

Secretary-General approves short list of 48 new UNDEF projects

The UN Secretary-General has approved a short list of 48 project proposals for UNDEF’s Seventh Round of Funding, following recommendations by the United Nations Democracy Fund Advisory Board. Some half of the short-listed projects are in the rule of law, reflecting this as a priority area both for UNDEF and for the UN as a […]

2015-03-08T20:36:50-04:00星期日, 8 3月 2015|Announcements|

Ban voices shock, condemnation at Russian politician’s ‘brutal killing’

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has expressed shock and condemnation at the brutal killing of Russian politician Boris Nemtsov, the United Nations spokesperson’s office confirmed today.

According to media reports, Mr. Nemtsov was gunned down on 27 February in central Moscow by unknown assailants.

In a statement issued earlier this afternoon, the UN spokesperson explained that the Secretary-General noted […]

2019-02-19T16:43:06-05:00星期六, 28 2月 2015|News|

UN officials welcome release by Somali pirates of longest-held hostages

Senior United Nations officials have welcomed the release this week of four Thai nationals after nearly five years in captivity, bringing an end to the longest held hostage ordeal in the east African nation thanks to a mission carried by the UN anti-crime agency.

The mission to recover the hostages was conducted by the UN Office […]

2019-02-19T16:43:07-05:00星期五, 27 2月 2015|News|

UN rights office ‘disappointed’ to see Malaysian opposition leader prison sentence upheld

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said today that it is disappointed that Malaysia’s Federal Court ruled to uphold the imprisonment of opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

The Federal Court agreed with a decision made by the Appeals Court in March 2014, which sentenced Mr. Ibrahim to five years in prison […]

2019-02-19T16:43:07-05:00星期二, 10 2月 2015|News|

Presentation of the Secretary-General’s Guidance Note on Reparations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

In June 2014, the Secretary-General issued a Guidance Note on Reparations for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. It sets out the relevant international legal framework that applies to this crime and develops the principles and operational guidelines that should direct United Nations support to Member States in this area. The drafting of this document was led by […]

2019-02-19T16:43:08-05:00星期二, 16 9月 2014|In Focus|
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